Subtotal Hepatectomy

Available in: Rats and Mice Anesthetics Analgesic
Pre-Operative Procedures Intra-Operative Care Post-Operative Care

Surgical Preparation

The animal is anesthetized and clipped over the abdominal region. Sterile eye lubricant is placed in both eyes, and the clipped skin area over the abdominal wall is surgically prepared. The animal is placed in dorsal recumbency on a surgery board fitted with a sterile board drape. Analgesic is administered.

Surgical Description

The surgical site is draped with a sterile drape. To expose the liver, ventral, midline longitudinal incisions are made to the skin and abdominal wall at the level of the liver. Padded retractors are used to increase surgical visibility. The liver is externalized, and the vessels of the median and lateral lobes of the liver are permanently ligated. The median and left lobes are excised (approximately a 70% removal). The remaining lobes, kept moist throughout the procedure with sterile saline, are returned to their natural position within the abdominal cavity. The abdominal cavity is flushed with sterile saline.

Surgical Closing

The ventral and dorsal incisions are closed with approved closing materials (suture or stainless steel clips), and the surgery sites are treated with an approved disinfectant followed by an alcohol swabbing.


A standard sham subtotal hepatectomy model is prepared as described above with regards to surgical site preparation, exposure of the liver, wound closing, and surgical site disinfection; however, no ligation or excision occurs.