Approved Analgesics

The use of analgesic agents varies with the species and procedures performed. Analgesics are not routinely used for procedures that may cause only slight or momentary pain or for procedures where anesthetics are used only for chemical restraint and no painful procedures are performed. Other analgesics are available upon request.

Name Administration Frequency Concentration
Flunixin SC Every 24 hrs 2.5-5.0 mg/kg
Aspirin PO In drinking water for 24-48 hours 100-400 mg/kg
Buprenorphine SC 8-12 hrs 0.01-0.05 mg/kg
Meloxicam SC 1-2 times daily 1.0-3.0 mg/kg
Acetaminophen PO In drinking water for 24-48 hours 100-300 mg/kg

PO = per os (Oral)

SC = Subcutaneous

Analgesia Surgery Categories (minor versus major)

A minor surgical procedure is a procedure such as vascular cannulation or superficial surgery involving only the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Animals falling into this category require a minimum of a single dose of an approved analgesic to be given just prior to surgery or immediately following. Additional analgesia may be administered if required by assessment of the animal’s condition or per a client’s request.

A major surgical procedure is a procedure involving the penetration of the body cavity, trauma to skeletal muscles, orthopedic procedures, and cranial surgery. Animals falling into this category require a minimum of two doses of an approved analgesic given at appropriate times. Additional analgesia may be administered if required by assessment of the animal’s condition or per a client’s request.